New Work - Designathon 15


New Work

How do we want to shape our work-life in the future? Where is your working space? How will we communicate with Co-workers and business partners? What kind of jobs will occur because of new technologies and through globalization? What do we see in words like work-life-balance, digital nomads, burnout and 24/7 societies? What is the motivation to go to work in future? Money, creativity, self fulfilment, meaningful actions? The topic of the Design-Marathon 2015 will be “new work”. The attendees will have 48 hours to deal with the subject and to create a design within this topic. The teams are asked to take a close look, question today’s work settings and study different perspectives. Hypotheses are made up and possibilities evaluated how we could do and think differently. The outcome/result should be an innovative, creative and playful solution/purpose how to alter the given working situation, change it for better or draw a future scenario. The topic is absolutely up to date. Key words like economic crisis, social inequality, unemployment, growth of the world’s population, internationalization versus local economics, no money societies, new currencies and change of generation, show that the existing labour-system is changing. The Designathon and the design made at this event will be an interesting and valuable contribution to this field of discussion.

The out coming designs can range from conceptual to visual works. They can be realized graphically, audio-visually, objectified or performed. They can draw a future scenario, show us a critical observation in current societies or give a complete solution.


New Work New Culture

Due to the rapid technical progress, more and more jobs can be replaced by machinery work. Instead of facing this trend with fear of unemployment, a new approach is being proposed.

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The 21 Hour Work Week

Anna Coote questions the nowadays common 40 hour work week and demonstrates, what benefits a gradual reduction of working hours could bring about.

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Why Our Concept of Work is Questionable

Why do we work? And what role does our salary really play? Barry Schwartz invites us to reconsider our notions and prejudices concerning work.

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The Chair

Long hours of desk work pose huge stress for our spines. Most office chairs aren't adapted to our body's needs. Galen Cranz tackles this issue with her “body-conscious design”.

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Coffitivity recreates the ambient sounds of a cafe. The muffled sounds aim to improve your concentration at work, even in noisy environments.

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Every Day the Same Dream

A game about alienation and refusal of work in the everyday working life of an office employee.

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Reconsidering Corporate Structures

Ricardo Semler is the CEO of a highly democratic company. Among other things, employees are encouraged to define their own working hours, work place and holidays. He wants to foster self-responsibility and freedom.

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Take a Break!

Break Time is an app, that reminds you to regularly take breaks from your work.

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Exercise at Work

Exercise during work hours increases people's health, productivity and motivation. Not only employees but also companies as wholes can benefit from these outcomes.

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Interview with Frithjof Bergmann

Frithjof Bergmann is the originator of the New Work movement. In this interview, he explains how New Work could change the way our society lives and works.

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